Cheese Rolls /Dinner Rolls / Pan Rolls/ Cheese Buns

Another day, another Fresh Baked Batch

Well it seems like this year it’s all about Bread for me.

Might as well call it “Year of the Bread”.
My oven has been working overtime and there are two positives to that:
1. My kitchen is nice and warm despite the cold winter temps.
2. And I find baking, and eating baked goods somewhat therapeutic.
It’s cold out, it’s gloomy most days and by 3pm my kitchen has lost most of the natural light that streams through the windows.
Rolls Ready for the Oven
Simply put…baking stuff, especially bread puts me in a good mood. And every time I bake these Cheese Rolls they always add a little comfy cozy toasty feeling to my day.
But they’re not only limited to winter, these can be made all year round, in fact, I think these are gonna make an appearance at a few backyard BBQs this year (I already have special requests).
Cheese Rolls topped with Fresh Thyme
I’ve paired them with Stews, Chili, Steak and Pasta. They go with everything!!! And yes…I’ve had ’em for breakfast, supper and as a snack.
The hardest part is eating just one..Only one…
If you have that level of self restraint….my hat’s off to you.
These rolls take very little effort to make, requires little to no kneading and are totally customizable.
In fact they’re so good, and so easy to make, I once made them two days in a row! #fact

The Process

Blooming the Yeast

The first stage involves a small bit of preparation – blooming the yeast, warming up the milk and melting the butter. It’s a yeast dough, that involves two short “rise” times…but it’s totally worth it.
The yeast and milk combination make the softest most fluffy rolls ever!

Gently warming the Milk and Butter
The Dough After the First Rise

It’s a bit of a sticky dough, but don’t get too alarmed. After you add the cheese and let it rest, you’ll find it much easier to work with.
Just flour your hands, and add wisps of flour in increments as you go along.

The Dough (after adding the cheese) Ready to shaped into rolls



Customize Them

Use the cheese you like. I’ve combined Aged Cheddar, Manchego and Gruyere (my favourite combo to date). I’ve even used a shredded Mozzarella, Cheddar and a Pepper Jack cheese blend and it was yummy.

You can also get creative with these rolls.
Here’s a list of Toppings I’ve tried:

  • A sprinkle of Sea Salt and fresh Cracked Pepper
  • Chives
  • More Shredded Cheese
  • A little dusting of Smoked Paprika, Cumin and Garlic Powder
The Second Rise – Rolls shaped and ready for a Short Rise

  Cheesy Bonus Tip:

Just before you bake, try adding slices of cheese in between the rolls, and sprinkle a bit of shredded cheese on top.
…Yup, You’re Welcome!

Making them Extra Cheesy by adding Cheese Slices


Bread Random-isms

Now for some bread sayings courtesy …me

A bread in the hand means none in the mouth
A fist full of bread
Keep your friends close, and the bread basket closer
If you bake it they will come…

I particularly like the last one because that’s exactly what happens every time I make a fresh batch of these hot, melty cheesy rolls.
The modern day meal bell if you will…make a batch and no need to announce dinner.
The smell will reel them in.

Cheese Rolls /Dinner Rolls / Pan Rolls/ Cheese Buns

Recipe by Amelia Does DinnerCourse: Oven BakedDifficulty: Easy
Prep time




Cooking time




  • 2 1/2 cups flour (+extra for dusting)

  • 1 tbsp sugar divided

  • 2 tsp sea salt

  • 1 cup whole milk

  • 1 tbsp butter (+extra for greasing pan)

  • 3 cups cheese

  • 1 1/4 tsp. dry active yeast

  • 1/4 cup warm water

  • Topping
  • Melted Butter

  • Fresh thyme roughly chopped (optional)


  • In a small bowl, dissolve half of the sugar into the warm water, stir in the yeast, then cover and set aside until foamy (5 mins)
  • Combine the dry ingredients : flour, salt and the remaining sugar.
  • In a small pot, gently warm the milk and butter until the butter is melted. Do not boil.
  • Add the yeast mixture and the milk mixture to the flour, stir to combine.
  • Scrape down the sides of the bowl, dough will be quite wet, cover and let rest for 45 mins.
  • Stir in the cheese, the dough will deflate at this point.
  • On a floured countertop, turn the dough out. Using a minimal quantity of four (a little dusting here and there) gently cup and shape the dough into a ball.
  • Divide the dough into dough balls (of your size and liking) and place into a greased pan. Be sure to leave some space in between each dough ball as they will puff up. Cover and let sit for 30 mins.
  • Preheat the oven to 350℉.
    Brush with butter and sprinkle with  thyme (optional).
  • Uncover and bake for 20-25 mins at 350℉. Then turn the heat up to 375℉ and bake for an additional 5 mins or until the tops are golden.

Recipe Video


  • Read above for ideas on how to customize your rolls.
  • Read above for Cheesy Bonus Tip
  • Blooming the yeast: This is a great step to check if your yeast is still alive and active. Never use hot/boiling water to bloom. If the water is too hot it will kill the yeast. If your yeast does not froth up, it means it’s dead.


  1. I apologize for not leaving a comment earlier as I have made your recipe several times. I just made another batch and it’s currently in the final resting stage. Can’t wait for the finished product. Thank you so much for sharing Amelia! These rolls are every bit as delicious as you mentioned . This is now one of my favorite recipes. Thanks again and God bless you.

    • I’m glad you love this one! It really is one of my go-to recipes and I’m happy it’s now become one of your favorites. I even have a sourdough version of this one that I’ll be sure to post in the future. Keep well and enjoy that fresh batch of delicious cheese rolls.