So glad to see you here! Stay awhile, take a look around. You never know what might inspire your next meal.

Home Cooking
Home Cooking my way. Slow Cooked Stews, Cast Iron Butter Steaks, and Breads…lots of fresh baked breads. A bit of this, a bit of that and a whole lotta YUM! I’ve got my tried and true recipes on here, as well as a few experimental ones too. Easy to follow detailed recipes, together with my TIPS and TRICKS.

Over the years I’ve gotten a tonne of requests for recommended restaurants in different cities. I’ve decided to log a few of my reviews on here for your convenience so if you ever visit, you’ll “know before you go”

I’m based in Toronto Canada, but I do quite a bit of traveling. The Caribbean, The USA and the UK are some of the places I’ve been to. On my blog you’ll find out where I’ve been, what I’ve seen and what I ate. Oh, and I’m pretty fond of Road Trips too, just so you know.